
While we are really focused on helping you trade and also teaching you the basics of key topics like trading and financial management, we also believe you can join us.

Benefits of joining our team


We pay close attention to the health of each member of the team. Just like when we had the Covid-19 outbreak, we made sure members were sanitized and wore their face masks during physical meetings.


We love what we do, but also, we do realize that taking some time off and trying to rest the mind is necessary for a better workplace and also a better health. There is a plan put in place to aid this.

Educatve Seminars

Just like vacations, it is also important to spend sometime with some other professionals and learn a thing or two. We periodically engage in educative seminars which help us understand our business and personal lives more.

Team Bonding

From onboarding, to your first project, to your last and when you decide to leave, we can boast of the fact that you will have a really social life with us. We're so much fun and we know it's really important to be all smiles at the workplace.

Maternity Leave

We cannot stress on how important it is to have a seamless delivery and recovery. Therefore, there is a plan put in place to aid expecting mothers stay at home and focus on the most important thing at the moment, a safe delivery.


The safety of our workers is of the utmost importance and we take extreme measures at the workplace or conferences which help keep everyone safe.

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